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The JENA Computing Workshop – Discussing the European strategy for computing

9th May 2023
Interview with Gonzalo Merino, director of the Port d'Informació Científica At the Joint ECFA-NuPECC-APPEC (JENA) Seminar in May 2022 in...
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A new research center for Astrophysics in Germany

20th December 2022
Interview with Günther Hasinger, designated director of DZA At the end of September, the German BMBF announced its decision that...
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Interview on the impact of the war in Ukraine on science in Europe and on collaborations with Russian scientists

5th April 2022
Interview with Christian Spiering Christian Spiering has worked in Russia for more than four years in the 1970s and has...
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The mid-term review of the European Astroparticle Physics Strategy 2017-2026

21st December 2021
Interview with the APPEC Scientific Advisory Commitee Chair Sijbrand de Jong about the review process The (European) Astroparticle Physics community...
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Nuclear Physics at the LHC – a unique doorway to investigate the hyperon-puzzle in neutron stars and to enable the search for dark matter in cosmic rays

20th October 2021
Interview with Akira Ohnishi, Laura Fabietti, Philip von Doetinchem, and Alexander Kalweit on the JENAA-EoI on Nuclear Physics at the...
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